CANCELLED: Homeschool: Spring Phenology (ages 4-14)

04/24/2020 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CT


Homeschool Programs

CANCELLED: Spring Phenology (ages 4-14)

 Enjoy the spring weather as we explore the seasonal changes at River Bend. Learn about how scientists observe and record changes in nature that mark the passing of seasons. Dress to be outside.

Friday, April 24 from 10:00-11:30. Preregister by Wednesday, April 22. $10/child, $8/member

For the 2019-2020 school year, River Bend Nature Center invites homeschool families and co-ops the opportunity to experience all of the seasons. Each seasonal homeschool science day, two age-specific educational programs are offered in the morning and two age-specific recreational programs are offered in the afternoon. We invite you to bring a lunch and enjoy it in the Interpretive Center between programs! Students may be dropped off if desired.