CANCELED-Homeschool Science Day: Wa-ter do in the Water! (ages 3-6)



Homeschool ProgramsHomeschool Program: Wa-ter do with Water!

Open to homeschoolers aged 3-6. Cost: $8 per child.
Pre-registration is required by Friday, April 20th.

Monday, April 23rd, 2018, 2:00-3:30pm

These classes are for students ages 3-6 years old. 
Please note that the fee applies to each walking or older child who accompanies a class.

Wa-ter do in the Water: 

Are you curious about water? Come learn all about the fish, turtles, and other animals that call River Bend's water home!


River Bend offers a monthly science program designed for homeschool families. Our programs are led by our experienced education staff. The classes are designed to provide students with an enriching hands-on experience to supplement their science lessons. All classes include an outdoor component.